Monday, July 9, 2012

It's all about me.

Well Hello. Okay. So obviously, I'm a new blogger. And everyone says this, but I really never wanted to blog. But I got intrigued and now I'm hooked.

Embarrassing fact for the day: I already did a post like this, and because of my stupidity, I accidently deleted it. Some might say I'm off to a great start already.

For those of you who are thinking, "Is she just going to ramble on all day or actually say something?" Well I will answer you, and say that today, I'm just going to ramble on. But ooohhh, tomorrow, I'll make sure I have something good to say.

And for those of you who don't know me, I work two jobs. At Payless, and at a Junior High.  Normally I go to college, and work at a library, but this Summer I live at home. (You will be hearing more about that). But I'm a pretty boring person, with the same boring people problems: my love life is nonexistent, I don't have enough money, and I hate my jobs...blah blah blah blah blah. But I'll throw in some exciting stuff. I love Art. You might see some. I love Fashion, I love Food, I love my friends and family, and I secretly love singing, but you know, the whole public thing really isn't for me. I love Music too. But only the good stuff, the crap on the Radio makes me want to die. (Please, please don't mistake me for a Hipster.) I am 20 years old, almost 21, and I'm still learning a whole lot. So that's what this blog will be about. Sometimes I might chat about my life. And other days I might post super awesome stuff. I can be a viritual pinterest...not. So Dear Reader, I bid you farewell, seeing that I'm almost off my shift at my job and it's time for me to go home. (No, I'm not a slacker, I'm allowed to do this.)

ANNNNNDDD Now for a quote to inspire you. (I love quotes).
"Keep your face always towards the Sunshine, and Shadows will fall behind you." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love that quote. Except I always think--quite depressingly I might add--what happens if there isn't any sunshine? But then I say to myself, why then there can't be any shadows. And you just enjoy the rain.

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